Why Doolin’s trouble shooters bible?
Over 250,000 servicemen in HVACR (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration) industry own a copy of Doolin’s Trouble Shooters Bible. Hundreds of trade schools and community colleges have used this book in their training programs. This book rides service trucks, is the shop manual of the trade and is used extensively by owners of equipment who maintain their own units or have maintenance departments. The book presents an authoritative and comprehensive guide and makes learning HVAC easy for students. The book has everything a serviceman needs to know about service procedures and essential principals required to diagnose HVACR systems and repair them efficiently. It highlights a precise treatment of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration and is full of troubleshooting tips. These can help an individual to enjoy a stimulating and rewarding career whether he is an apprentice or just starting out. It is a must-have for individuals who have or pursues a career in HVACR industry. The books is available in English and Spanish editions.